Just barely in time to soothe Todd’s borderline OCD, the Film Pigs are proud to present a fresh episode of The Bacon! This time, we’re talking about movies that have the same title and Todd actually prepared a list of them and everything, so this is almost like a real show. There’s also talk of why the regularly scheduled episode was delayed due to Skelton’s dumb car and insider tips on using the AAA roadside assistance service. Bing!

I thought this was going to be about the recent movie LIFE, which whenever I heard about it I got PTSD flashbacks to the awful Eddie Murphy/Martin Lawrence vehicle.
Just think about LIFEFORCE instead. It has Steve Railsback, Patrick Stewart and naked space vampires!
There’s not a day that goes by when I DON’T think about LIFEFORCE.
There’s actually a third movie called Crash from the 70’s: maybe it wasn’t picked because it has an ! in it’s title….
Very disappointed with Todd’s shoddy research on this one, frankly.