Why even hassle with this? Well, I’ll tell you! One, we’ve got the hilarious Ginger Gonzaga as a guest (and if it weren’t creepy for old guys to say so, we might suggest she’s rather fetching.) Two, we’ve got Rash Judgments, and those are nice (and Ginger provides what may be our must sublime Judgment yet.) But three is most important: we got an actual picture car from a Fast and the Furious movie for this episode! (Okay, we don’t know for sure. The mechanic guy next door told us it was a picture car from one of the Fast and the Furious movies, and he wasn’t sure which one, but we believe him because he seems like an honest, nice man. Even if it’s not, who cares? Guy lent us an awesome car.) Four…really you need four? Jeez, you guys. Cut us some slack. We’re old. We’re sleepy. Movies! Scotch! I mean…popcorn!