Tag Archives: Drama
Review – Rocky Balboa (2006)
Commentary #11 – Brokeback Mountain (2005)

No pun intended, but being a gay cowboy is really hard. Especially when you’ve only got a couple of camping trips to try and generate some kind of meaningful relationship with a guy who mumbles worse than Brando. Seriously, can anybody understand what the hell Heath Ledger is saying? Was it just a big misunderstanding? Did he really only want Jake Gyllenhaal’s dry cleaning? And where the hell was the posse? We thought this was a western. Even a gay western should have a posse. (IMDb)
TO SYNC WITH MOVIE: Start this commentary 10 seconds after starting movie.
Commentary #10 – Crash (2004)

To call this movie ham-fisted would be an insult to the depth and subtlety you get from ham-fistedness. From its opening scene, Crash blunders through an endless series of tired racial stereotypes and preachy clichés, ultimately concluding that everyone on Earth is not only racist but also an incompetent motorist. Best Picture 2006? What the fuck, America? (IMDb)
TO SYNC WITH MOVIE: Start this commentary 10 seconds after starting movie.