The Pigs talk James Bond and unearth some amazing outtakes from the eighties coming-of-age dance classic, Dirty Dancing. Also, a never-before-seen trailer for the upcoming drama about one of our nation’s presidents who is not Abraham Lincoln. Popcorn!
Tag Archives: Patrick Swayze
Podcast #28 – The Bacon: Road House
Once more unto The Bacon! We assumed the last episode of the Film Pigs Podcast featuring The Bacon would be so well received we went ahead and immediately recorded another one, Matrix-style! Since we’ve run out of hosts to interview, this episode focuses on one movie and one movie only: Road House. Possibly the greatest B-movie ever made, and a personal favorite of the hosts, you will surely be enthralled by the discussion until a polar bear falls on you. (Music by Adam Blau.)
This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:
Continue reading Podcast #28 – The Bacon: Road HousePain Don’t Hurt
R.I.P. Patrick Swayze:
Patrick Swayze, whose good looks and sympathetic performances in films such as “Dirty Dancing” and “Ghost” made him a romantic idol to millions, died Monday. He was 57.
Swayze died of pancreatic cancer, his publicist, Annett Wolf, told CNN. (via CNN)
Farewell to more 80s awesomeness. If you’ve never seen the non edited-for-television version of Road House, you haven’t lived.
Commentary #22 – Road House (1989)

Swayze. Elliott. Boobs. Few words encompass the greatness that is American cinema more than these, and few films possess all three qualities at once. Road House is such a film. Join the Film Pigs as they relive the wonder of a late 80s action masterpiece, complete with all the mullets and pleated pants one could want. Marvel as they give voice to their shared crush on the ultimate man that is Sam Elliott. And, as always, please enjoy the boobs. (IMDb)
SPECIAL NOTE: Please forgive the minor distortion in the recording. Sam Elliott’s mustache simply overpowered our weak, mama’s boy microphone. We are rightfully shamed. Please forgive us Sam!
TO SYNC WITH MOVIE: Start this commentary 10 seconds after starting movie.