Seth Rogan Thinks He’s Stoner Jesus

seth_rogen_stonerBecause I hate myself so completely, I continue to read Entertainment Weekly, and every week there’s at least one thing that boils my blood and causes me to involuntarily throw the magazine at my fireplace. This week it was an article about “stoner movies” in which the author boldly stated that pot movies make lots of money because they do. Way to go out on a limb! But it wasn’t the stupidity of the puff piece that made me mad given that I have been completely desensitized to inane puff pieces. What made me mad was Seth Rogan. He obviously feels he has made the best stoner movies to date. Continue reading Seth Rogan Thinks He’s Stoner Jesus

I Got This For Free: Ultraviolet

poster_ultraviolet_pg-13So I got a PlayStation 3 and there was this rebate for 5 Blu-ray discs – the catch was you could only select from a horribly crippled list of possibilities (and you had to select from different tiers with only a few titles available on each tier, making selection of 5 decent titles virtually impossible and causing this sentence to run on and on and on…). Anyway, I sent off the rebate 6-8 weeks ago and forgot about it. Continue reading I Got This For Free: Ultraviolet

Stee’s Thoughts On The Darjeeling Limited

poster_darjeeling_limited…as written in a text message to a friend while watching the movie:

“There is a lot of really awesome stuff about The Darjeeling Limited. It is also an unforgivably meandering and kind of deeply shitty movie. It’s more self-gazing and tickled by its own imagined awesomeness than Paris Hilton getting fucking in a hall of mirrors.”

Okay, well, granted, that text message is pretty tickled by its own imagined awesomeness too, but at least I didn’t make a movie out of it. Continue reading Stee’s Thoughts On The Darjeeling Limited

Film Pigs Catch Blog Fever! Recieve Ointment From Doctor!

Welcome to a bold new direction for the Film Pigs as we hop on the blog bandwagon only 5 years too late! We’ve converted our site to use WordPress so we can start posting our nonsense more often and to let you have a more direct route to post your love (or hate as the case may be. We seem to generate lots of indirect and humorless loathing out there in the Internets tubes).

You should be able to search and enjoy our movie reviews and commentaries, and leave your own comments as well. In the next few weeks you should also see the site return to its signature look that you know and love as I learn how to make a WordPress theme (you did love the look of the old site, didn’t you? It took me hours!).

As always, please send any comments (like, hey your comments system doesn’t work) to webmaster at film pigs dot com.
